My biggest passion is reading. Romance, Mystery and Suspense. Doesn't matter if it's Contemporary, Historical, Sci Fi, or PRN/Fantasy. It can be intense or funny, dark or light, short or long. I am always looking for the Alpha male in a book as well as a heroine that has a backbone and a little common sense (that harder to find the you might think!!!).
I watch TV less then a couple of hours a week, the rest of the time I have my e-reader in hand and I'm a happy camper.
You would think that reading that much would mean that I'm not a picky reader and in some ways that's spot on, but on the flip side I find that the same bad habits by authors are repeated across their books and I have very little patience with authors (or anyone) not growing and learning as they progress in the chosen field.
This blog will be about good books I read as well as the.....well, not so good books. It will also point out what I feel (and yes, this is my own opinion and is subjective) are things that could have made the book more enjoyable.